Mon., Mar. 3 – Tuition is due.  A Late Fee of $25.00 will be applied after March 7.


Mon., Mar. 3 – Summer & Fall registration open to the public 9:00 a.m.


Tues., Mar. 4  ̶  JAM for Preschoolers. 3:15 - 4:00 p.m.


Thurs., Mar. 6 – Parent/ Volunteer group meeting 9:15 a.m. upstairs in room 201.


Fri., Mar. 7 – Spring See’s Candies Fundraiser Begins.


Mon., Mar. 17 – St. Patrick’s Day.


Mon., Mar., 17- Fri., Mar. 21- Spring Scholastic Book Fair.


Tues., Mar. 18  ̶  Tacos 1986 Fundraiser. 11:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. More info to follow.


Tues., Mar. 18  ̶  JAM for Preschoolers. 3:15 - 4:00 p.m.


Wed., Mar. 26 – Spring See’s Candies Ends.


Tues., April 1  ̶  JAM for Preschoolers at 3:15 - 4:00 p.m.


Wed., April 2  ̶  See’s Candies Delivery.


Thurs., April 3 – Parent/ Volunteer group meeting 9:15 a.m. upstairs in room 201.


Mon., April 14 – Mon., Apr. 18 Spring Break. Alternative care available Mon. April 14 -Thurs. April 17. We will be CLOSED on Fri., April 18 for Good Friday.


Tues., May 6 – Children’s Art Show/ Blind Auction. More info to follow.


Tues., May 6 – The Stand Fundraiser 11:00 a.m.- 9:00 p.m. More info to follow.


Mon., May 26 – SCHOOL CLOSED for Memorial Day. Thurs. June 5 – Last day of the E.P.C.C. Kindergarten.


Fri., June 6 – Last day of the Preschool. School CLOSES at 12:00 noon.


Mon., June 16 – Summer School begins.


Fri., Aug. 8 – Summer School Ends.


Mon., Aug. 11 – Fri., Aug. 15– SCHOOL CLOSED.


Mon., Aug. 18 – Fall 2025 – 2026 Pre-School begins.


Tues. Aug. 19 – Kindergarten school year 2025 – 2026 begins.




EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH- Mrs. Tracie is our reliable, hardworking, and friendly school bookkeeper and Scholastic Book Fair coordinator. Her positive attitude and warm smile make working with her a pleasure. She first joined E.P.C.C. in 1989 as a teacher in our Infant/Toddler program. After teaching for several years, she took a break to start her family and returned in 2007. Mrs. Tracie is married and has two children: a daughter, Kara (25), who is married, and a son, Trent (23). She loves the color navy, gerbera daisies, and Thanksgiving. Mrs. Tracie enjoys shopping at Target and dining at Stonefire Grill and Chick-fil-A. For dessert, she likes Cosmic Bliss Ice Cream. Thank you, Mrs. Tracie, for all your hard work! Never underestimate the difference You Made and the lives You Touched.



TAX I.D. # - 95-1831056


REGISTRATION:  Did you remember to register for Summer & Fall 2025?   


KINDERGARTEN:  Our kindergarten class continues to fill for the 2025 -2026 school year. If you are interested in learning more about this exceptional program, please contact Cathleen or Anie.


REGISTRATION: We are currently touring new students for the 2025-2026 school year.

If you know of anyone who is interested in our school, please have them call as soon as possible to schedule a tour.  Siblings of currently enrolled students do not need a tour. We will open registration to the public on March 3, 2025.


SPRING BREAK CARE: This year school will be closed Monday, April 14 – Friday, April 18 for Spring Break. Alternate care will be offered Monday, April 14 thru Thursday April 17 at an additional cost of $70.00 per day. Registration forms were emailed. Sign-ups begin on Monday., March 10. Please note: We will be CLOSED on Good Friday, April 18.


THANK YOU: To Dr. To - D.D.S, who took time out of her busy schedule to visit us during community helper’s month.


Recommend us to your friends.

YOU receive $100.00 credit * toward your child’s tuition when your friend enrolls their child in our school.

* Credit will be applied after 3 months of your referral’s enrollment. Be sure to have your friend write YOUR name on their child’s application as a referral so you can get the $100.00 credited to your account.


EXTRA CLOTHES:  Please be sure that your child has extra clothes in his/her cubby or bag.  We often run out of school clothes because they are not returned when we lend them out.


LABEL EVERYTHING:  Be sure to label all sweatshirts, jackets, sweaters, backpacks, water bottles, share toys or any item your child brings to school.  Labeled items have a far greater chance of being returned to you.


NAPPING SUPPLIES:  All children who stay for nap must have 2 crib sheets and a blanket for naptime. These items will be sent home at the end of each week and must be returned the following week.  Children who do not have the appropriate napping items will no longer be able to stay for nap.  Remember that the state of California requires children in daycare to have a brief resting period each day.  Even if your child does not sleep, he/she must rest quietly on his/her cot for 30 minutes.


HEALTHY SNACKS: March is National Nutrition Month. Please keep snacks healthy. Cookies, cakes and doughnuts are not healthy choice for every day snacks. Fruits, veggies, cereal bars, string cheese and crackers are always popular choices. Remember to send utensils with your child’s lunch if he/she needs them. Teachers cannot leave the classroom to get spoons and forks for the children.  Additionally, be sure that all snacks and lunches are sent to school “ready to serve.”


SCRAP PAPER: Our Preschoolers are in need of scrap paper to draw on and to make paper airplanes. If you work in an office that needs to get rid of paper…we would love to have it.


PARENT VOLUNTEER GROUP MEETING:  On Thurs., Mar. 6th at 9:15 a.m. in Room 201 we will have a parent volunteer group meeting to discuss upcoming events for the spring.  Please join us to help plan some fun events for our school and families.

TACOS 1986

FUNDRAISER SHERMAN OAKS: We will have our Tacos 1986 Fundraiser on Tuesday, March 18th from 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Dine In and Take Out. Family, friends and neighbors are welcome! Tacos 1986 will donate 20% of ALL sales from 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. back to E.P.C.C.


EPCC WEBSITE: Please be sure to check out our website and our Instagram account @ epcc_kids and Facebook account @ EPCCKIDSS to see activities, art projects and more.


ILLNESS POLICY: In an effort to keep children and teachers healthy please keep your child home if he/she is sick. If your child vomits, has diarrhea, runs a fever, is lethargic or is simply not him/herself, we will send your child home immediately.  Children must be symptom free for 24 hours before they can return to school.  In addition, if you have given your child Motrin or Tylenol in the morning to reduce fever or ease pain, he/she may NOT come to school on that day. While we understand that a “green” runny nose and cough are not necessarily indicators of infectious disease, we will require a doctor’s note if there is any question about your child’s health.  Remember that when we send a child home, we are using our best judgment in determining whether or not your child should remain at school. This has been a particularly tough cold and flu season, especially for young children. Please respect this policy as well as the families and staff at EPCC by adhering to it. Parents in this horrible flu and cold season, please refer to the illness policies at the end of this newsletter and when to keep your child home. This policy is enforced in order to keep a healthy, happy school. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.


BLIND AUCTION:  Our Blind Auction committee is busy planning our biggest fundraiser of the year. The event will be held on Tuesday, May 6 Join us on Thurs., March 6 for our next planning meeting. Anyone interested in helping to plan this event is welcome to attend.  We need lots of help, as there is so much to do!  Help us make our next Blind Auction a tremendous success.  Items up for bid will include classroom collectibles, and teacher lunch dates. We are looking for so “big ticket” items (weekend getaways, amusement park passes, restaurant packages, etc). If you or someone you know would be interested in donating an item, please let us know as soon as possible. The auction is always a lot of fun and is our biggest fundraiser of the year.

DESCRIPTION SHEET: We emailed the Blind Auction Description sheet. If you have an item for the Silent Auction, please submit your description sheet by Friday, May 2nd.



Please enter through the Balboa entrance and exit onto Paso Robles. Our parking lot is a one-way lot. Our parking lot can be a busy place at certain times of the day.  Please help keep it as safe as possible for your child. We offer the following tips and ask for your cooperation:

         Please hold your child’s hand in the parking lot.

         Please make sure your child doesn’t run ahead of or behind you upon arrival and pick up.

         Please drive slowly in the parking lot.

         Enter the parking lot through the Balboa entrance (closest to the church building).

         Exit under the apartment building onto Paso Robles.

If you park on the street, please note the following:

         Parking is limited on specific days – note the street signs for times and street cleaning.

TESTIMONIALS:  If any parent/grandparent would like to write a testimonial about any of our programs we would like to post a few each month on our website.  This would give prospective families a little insight into our school.  If you would like to take the time to do this you can turn them into

Thanks, Cathleen & Anie




ROOM 101:  February just flew by!  We had a great time with our 5 senses week. We were tasting, touching, smelling and using our eyes and ears. Thank you, to all who helped with our Valentine’s Day party. A special thank you for all the nice cards and gifts that we received. This month we will have a special Dr. Seuss week, as well as, learning an Irish Blessing just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. Our St. Patrick’s Day party will be on Monday, March 17. Don’t forget to dress your children in green. Please note – occasionally we will be giving the children “remembering homework”. We only tell the children not the parents. Notice the title “remembering homework”.  We will also work on our addresses and our phone numbers and we will even learn how/when to call 911 in an emergency. Have you seen our bookworm lately?  Keep bringing in those great books! We hope everyone will have a great Spring Break.  Mrs. Geni & Ms. Jazmin


ROOM 102:  Wow…March is already here, and we will start the month by celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday. More information will be posted on class dojo. We will be busy learning about Rainbows, Shamrocks, Spring, our home phone numbers as well as our home addresses. Thank you, to all of our wonderful parents who contributed to our Valentines Day party it was fabulous!  Also, many thanks for all of our valentine cards and sweet treats. Have a wonderful Spring. Mrs. Asma & Mrs. Jennifer


ROOM 104:  March is here!  This month we will be celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday, talking about Easter, bunnies and learning about art, paintings, famous artists and their masterpieces. Towards the middle of the month, we will talk about spring and St. Patrick’s Day. We will be getting a visit from our friend Lucky O’Rainbow the Leprechaun.  Our St. Patrick’s Day party will be on Monday, March 17. Don’t forget to dress your children in green!  We look forward to a beautiful month and hope the Leprechauns will bring us sunny warm weather and rainbows. 

Happy Spring!!! Mrs. Silva & Miss Lucia


ROOM 105:  March 1st we will celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday. We will draw colorful rainbows, beautiful shamrocks and will try hard to catch a Leprechaun. We will need your child’s shoe no later than Friday, April 11th, as it takes the children several days to finish this special gift.  We would like to give a special thank you to Sascha Shekhter and Lara Atallah-Valdez for being such amazing room moms. Make sure that your child wears green on our St. Patrick’s Day celebration on Monday, March 17. Happy Spring! Mrs. Wall & Mrs. Sossi


ROOM 106:  March is going to be a very busy month for our friends in room 106. We are going to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday and St. Patrick’s Day. We will try to catch a leprechaun so he can show us where he hides his gold at the end of a beautiful rainbow.  Also, on Monday, March 17 we will have an all-green snack to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. We would like to welcome Kaiden Milman and his family to our classroom. Don’t forget to sign in and out daily and check your child’s back bag for clean extra clothes including a pair of shoes. Happy Spring. Mrs. Karine, Miss Paula & Miss Vianey


PEEKING OVER THE FENCE WITH MRS. GAEL: As we spring into March … bugs, butterflies, blooms and birds will be our focus.  We will observe spring through art activities outside this month.  We will create caterpillar clips, wacky rainbows and more.   


AFTER NAP:  March is finally here!  With the first day of Spring, we hope to have some great sunny weather to enjoy.  It is also National crafts month.  We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, with lots of art projects, rainbows, pots of gold, and shamrocks.  We will also be making some wonderful Dr. Seuss’ art, such as Cat in The Hat, One fish, Two fish…. Don’t forget to stop and look at our colorful bulletin boards.  The afternoon staff would like to remind parents to label all your child’s belongings. Have a wonderful Spring!  Miss Narine, Miss Ana, Miss Vianey, Miss Marissa & Miss Katie



We are busy, busy, busy as we begin spring. We are working through our letter books and reading away! The children are doing a great job on their spelling tests – remember to practice at home! A dry erase board or chalkboard is a fun way to practice; you can even use them in the car! Remember, we give every sound for every letter in every word. These tests are not stressful and are meant to prepare them for next year! February was a lot of fun!   We loved the Bob Baker Marionettes field trip and enjoyed our 100 Day and Valentine’s Day celebrations! The 100th Day celebration was fantastic and thank you all for helping that day or sending in items for this very special event! Thank you for always making our parties and events so special. We will have our St. Patrick’s Day party on Monday, March 17th and will be eating green snacks! And then on the 20 th we will be going to the Discovery Cube to explore science. In class, science has been so much fun! We finished working on Inch and Miles, and the children really did a great job personalizing the goals of each building block of the pyramid. Keep working on the rainbow words! This takes a lot of practice at home too; sight words can be tricky! These are important to help the children become smooth and confident readers. Parents often ask what they can do at home, especially to prepare for First Grade…there are stories in every letter book that goes home, plus the readers that go home on Fridays, the word lists in their work folders that they can practice, and the rainbow words. On top of that, writing is something they can practice as well; everyone enjoys writing a “book”! Counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s helps with math skills and reviewing both telling time and identifying coins and their values. Having fun and turning practice into games and goals (every 5 words they read on a word list is worth one m&m, counting by 2’s to 100 can earn an extra bedtime story). It was wonderful meeting with all of you during conferences.  Thank you for taking the time to hear about your wonderful children!  We consider it a privilege to teach them. Mrs. Lori, Ms. Danielle & Ms. Kim